MBR Limitless Korrektorat, Lektorat & Texten auf Englisch |  | | | |
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Whether it's your annual report, a marketing brochure, product specifications, a proposal, customer success stories, a case study, your internet website, etc...
Language errors in the text detract from the message as well as the image you want to convey to the public.
Wouldn't you feel better about handing out your English-language collateral ... to customers, investors, analysts, business partners... if you knew it was error-free?
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Specializing in helping
companies whose market stretches across language borders, and who
therefore communicate with their customers in English, I offer:
- Thorough and professional proofreading, not only for typos and mis-spellings but also for stylistic errors
- Checking over texts that have been translated into English (especially from German) to ensure that they read naturally and are error-free
- Fine-polishing even rough texts
that have been written by non-native English speakers, or by many
different contributors, so that the end product is not only
grammatically correct but also conforms to your company's style standards
- Transformations from German into ready-to-use, marketing-appropriate in English
- Creating new texts in English from specifications (even when these are given in German), and internet research on the topic, as required
- Project management as necessary to bring complex projects to successful completion
- Design and implementation of MS Word style templates for lengthy documents and/or the re-structuring of large, unwieldy documents to correspond to a given template
- And more!
Of course, I can also conduct all project-relevant discussions in German.
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